Simple, clean & quick – logo for L’ARTE DESIGN FRANKFURT

One dear friend of mine, whom I owned a huge favor, asked me to help him with a logo-job. He has just started his own business as room and garden designer, making rooms amazing and fixing floors and walls. He had an idea, but couldn't make it into a picture. This was his first idea:... Continue Reading →

Wallenstein Corporate Identity

I had the chance to be friends with one fellow, who needed new look for his – to come – Café-Bar concept. It shall be called Wallenstein (after the Friedrich Schiller's book character) and it will be placed at the Schiller Market in Mainz, the city in Germany. Ideas came running into the head and... Continue Reading →

Meetnomaden (aka meeting nomads)

This is a short series I made for a line of intern meetings at our agency. 🙂 The basic idea was simply that everyone of us from the creative department should present sth. really cool & interesting to the others. We decided to call it Meetnomaden (german constellation of words standing for meeting & nomads).... Continue Reading →

Tracing design for a T-Shirt

My friend and long termed (now ex-)roommate was in love with this shirt for years But, as it usually comes, that shirt got wore off and she had to get rid of it. She used it a rag for dirty work (which is why that old shirt looks like this on this picture below). I... Continue Reading →

namiko Lookbook

After a while my friend had her tailor's shop opened, we decided that it would be great if we could make some pictures she can show to her customers when they come to her. So we came up with this look book, which was kinda short on budget to be produced. Friends of ours were... Continue Reading →

ReBranding Homecare

I was asked to rebrand a homecare company. It also included to make a new flyer (4 pages) for them, since the old ones really went down. This is the new look: And this is - briefly - the old 'design': So, a new logo had to come, also new fonts etc. We decided to... Continue Reading →

About me

About me has been updated! Just some basic information, which had to be there actually ever since. I do not know how I missed it.


Sports is new cool thing. That is actually what I think. In Germany almost no one likes or does sports. Not even just to make some time go by. That is why I wanted my next exam to be about sports: why it's good, why you should, and which one. I thought of: tennis, ballet,... Continue Reading →

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