my first corporate design manual

Here it is, finally! It took me a while, since I never learned doing this at school, but by doing it myself (and seeing how other did it so far). Due to safety reasons, contacts won't be posted. Below you can see the link that leads directly to the PDF version of it. More to... Continue Reading →

Launching Business Card

Here it is, finally! Quite after a while I made it at least. It took me years to create my own logo, and it took me another year to make this business card. But now I am pretty much unstoppable. 🙂 And I would also like to thank my friends, who were nice enough to... Continue Reading →

Title Animation

This work is made for a website intro (meaning, every time someone clicks the Homepage-Button this will happen). It took a while to make the corporate design, to think of colors and positions and this was, so to say, the final work. Soon it will be loaded up here, so everyone can see it -... Continue Reading →

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