
And not only young ones; the professionals, too.
You are very happy to finally get a briefing, your first one. You start thinking, scribbling and working like a maniac but every time you make something and read that briefing again you think – what the…?! Can’t they say what they want? No, customers cannot say what they want – that makes you start thinking ig they really know what they want. So, you try something that might come close to what was written in the briefing and then they say “no, thank you, but that is not what i meant. do it differently”. This word “differently” is really enlightening. Different is everything, really. But you don’t give up.

Unfortunately you cannot tell to those people to pull themselves together and think first before they come to you. Potential customers are those who give you money so you can survive. But…

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I surfed the internet for past few weeks (yes, really weeks) in order to find something cool and cheeky considering this subject. Due to the fact that I love typography I needed some inspiration so I can start doing something cool. (I started indeed, but it is still in the beginning-phase). However, these works I had to share with you. Forgive me for I have forgotten where I found them; but the words I searched were: typography arts, artistic typography, shortcuts like typo or German words “Typografie-Kunst”… Many of these works are also  huge part of graphical design – one of my favorite designs – and well, what else to say:


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Hell yeah!

I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw it: pretty, little game “Kill Comic Sans” (And do the world a favor!). All You have to do is, really, shoot at comic sans whenever it appears on screen. It is most likely a game for 5 minutes (it is done quickly) but it is also good to cheer you up! To make your working time a bit shorter…
Here you go to this witty game: have fun!

Now, how come people “hate” this font? Well, in Europe it is the most used font in schools – children are already predestined to hate it because every letter from teacher has this silly font. I guess it wouldn’t be that bad if it wouldn’t be used that often, that much, too much!
Examples: When children go to a short class-trip, when some kids get a notice for their bad marks, when…

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As the title says – how to make a digital illustration in 5 minutes? (If you’re really good you can make it in less!)
This is how I made it: a whole skyline in few minutes, and of course – it is not perfect. Just in case that someone might come to say “It doesn’t look good”. In order to paint something really naturalistic you have to spare some time, like few days. Consider this a kind of tutorial.

But, back to the idea – here we go:

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